The Burnt House (Katros House)

The Burnt House (Katros House)

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Let’s take a tour of the burnt house and get to know one of the most important sites in the Old City. The Burnt House is a home from the Second Temple period that was excavated during the restoration of the Jewish Quarter after the unification of Jerusalem.

The Burnt House - A Unique Experience in the Heart of the Old City

The house has been preserved with fire marks still visible. A visit to the burnt house will acquaint you with a unique testimony to the fiery destruction of Jerusalem at the hands of the Romans 2,000 years ago.

Among the myriad findings revealed on the site, you can distinguish stone weights engraved with the name (D)bar Katros, a Roman iron javelin spear, and a severed arm. These and other findings made it possible to produce an exciting and experiential audio-visual presentation describing and illustrating life during the turbulent period just prior to the destruction of the Temple. It attempts to reconstruct the events that occurred in this house at the time of Jerusalem’s destruction.

An Extraordinary Audio-Visual Display

The audio-visual display portrays life at the time of the destruction of Jerusalem at the end of the Second Temple era during 67-70 C.E. Taking into account the story of the archeological findings, as well as the political and social atmosphere of the day as narrated by the scriptures, the presentation weaves a moving and memorable experience.

Dilemmas that existed at the time may well be the same dilemmas we face today. The museum invites you on a journey through time - an encounter with a Jerusalem family that lived at the time of the Second Temple and during The Great Revolt: the Katros family, whose house was discovered six meters below the Jewish Quarter. Who was the Katros family? How did the family members live their lives? What did they believe? What did they love? Why was their house burnt down and what fate did they meet? All this and more, we discover on tour at The Burnt House.

Adult: NIS 20 Child/student/soldier/disabled/Israeli seniors: NIS 10
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based on 298 traveler reviews
  • Daniel Burlakov
    Daniel Burlakov
    December 6, 2019

    Surprisingly there are not so many places in Jerusalem where you can see how the city looked like 2000 years ago. There is the Temple Mount of course and few more places. To this museum you go to see houses where people u...

  • vera s
    vera s
    January 8, 2022

    Very interesting audio-visual presentation and exciting stone vessels finds of the high priests.Good visualisation on how the decline of the Jewish temple may have looked for children and adults.

  • Guy Leibo
    Guy Leibo
    October 18, 2019

    A Unique experience, interactive show about Jerusalem 2000 years ago, highly recommend with one warning. there is no elevator to go down and there is many steps (about 25). A bit difficult for older people.

  • Shneur
    October 24, 2016

    History of a house which one belong to a Cohen family that lived in the Talmud times. Called burnt house because it remained after the destruction of the Jewish Temple.

  • Rabbi Hillel Simon
    Rabbi Hillel Simon
    June 27, 2023

    This exhibition provides a unique perspective on the social and spiritual process which sadly led directly to the destruction of the second Bet Hamikdash (Jewish Temple). The simple solution provided: speak to each other ...

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  • address icon2 Karaite Street, Jerusalem
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