International Museum Day in Jerusalem 2025

International Museum Day in Jerusalem 2025

International Museum Day is celebrated annually with the intention of exposing the public to the cultural wealth in museums, encouraging people to visit museums worldwide, and to raise awareness of the place of the museum in our society.

On last Museum Day, 75 museums opened their doors for free throughout Israel.

List of participating museums

On Museum Day, all participating museums allow free entrance for individual visitors. View the list of museums >>

About the Association of Museums and ICOM Israel

Museum Day is organized by the Association of Museums and ICOM (International Council of Museums) Israel, which represents most museums in Israel. It boasts a membership of around 1,400, with a mix from all realms of the industry. They function according to the principles of ICOM which is based in Paris and is affiliated with UNESCO. The central goals of the Association of Museums and ICOM Israel are to promote collaboration within the museum industry in Israel, organize events for professionals based on museological themes, to ensure the professional advancement of museum staff via conferences, stipends, and scholarships, and publish information on the topic of museums.

dates & times

  • Sunday
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